The International Honey Commission - World Network of Honey and Bee Product Science

An International Honey Commission (IHC) was formed in 1990 in order, to create a new world honey standard. 

All modern routine honey analysis methods were collaboratively tested and compiled as "Harmonised methods of the European Honey Commission", published in Apidologie, extra issue, 1-59, 1997.

Harmonised methods of the European Honey
Adobe Acrobat Document 518.3 KB

Based on these method the Codex Alimentarius Standard and the EU Honey Directive were revised.


Codex Alimentarius.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 27.3 KB
Honey Directive.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 136.4 KB

Next, the major European unifloral honeys were characterised in a special issue of Apidoligie (2004), allowing the international trade with these honeys.

Presently the IHC is chaired by Gudrun Beckh, Germany, co-chairs are Teresa Sancho, Spain; Ligia Bicudo, Brazil and Vikas Nanda, India.

Current Objectives of the IHC

The specific current objectives of the IHC are

  • To work out better and new analysis methods of honey and the other bee products
  • To inform members of the group on current aspects of quality and control of honey and other bee products
  • To work out standards for other bee products besides honey
  • To work out quality criteria for specific honeydew honeys

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